Questions & Answers!

Is this website a legit one and how do i know i'm safe when searching on here?

Everyone and we mean EVERYONE! IS 100% SAFE when being on our website. i know people worry about getting onto random websites no knowing anything about it but i can assure everyone you information is safe as well as your privacy. to learn more please read our policies which can be found below the homepage. PS: More Reason can be found on our "Home Page" tab at the top!

How can i ask a question?

If you like to ask us a question or make a suggestion use
"Contact" Or click the (Question mark) "Support" on your screen to send us a
email & we will reply as soon as we can, Or you can use our Blog below this page to make a comment and we will respond as fast as we can!

How do i use my bargain points?

Got some "Bargain points" you like to redeem? Here's how to use them, click the pink gift box "rewards" (make sure you make an account and sign in) click "Redeem points" redeem whatever you can. Hope you Enjoy Your Well-deserved discounts. Thank you for shopping online at

How do i make an account and subscribe to emails?

Here are the step by steps on how to make an account and subscribe to emails.

  • click the pink gift box on bottom left of your screen "rewards".
  • click "join" & Type in the *Required information & hit "create".
  • Then Click the Pink gift box again and click "sign in" or go to "account" on the front homepage and login with your email and password.
  • now go to bottom on homepage and enter the same email to subscribe to our emails. message Departedsoulzprime (Warframe) for your 40.

What are some of the rules to know and follow when online

These our listed set of rules!

  1. When entering a giveaway use this template to enter {ign/username} and (one thing you going to do with your winnings if you win).
  2. 3/3 Returns will Temporarily ban you from giveaways! (Unless its was my fault on my side)
  3. When i do my giveaways there will usually be 5 winners i use the website called "Wheelofnames" to use to decide our winners!
  4. to enter into our giveaway 10k plat or higher we must reach our $ goal of $250 USD but you can enter your name into the blog that's posted on our "warFrame" webpage.
  5. (IF you win any of our giveaways you will have one week from the end of the giveaway to claim your reward before you lose it or given to someone else, Example of this: End of giveaway 6/30/24- you will have until 7/7/24 to claim your reward.) I will email you and message you in-game to let you know if you are a winner, (please allow up to 24 hours for me to make the video to post it on youtube for you to check who the winners are and for proof it happened.)
  6. Only Our monthly/weekly & 10k+ giveaways will be recorded and posted to Our Youtube Channel for Proof of winner, % off giveaways will not.

Is there Monthly/weekly/daily Giveaways on

Yes. we try our best to do giveaways for In-game Items (Not selling them) And giveaways for In-store Items founded at and we will continue to try our best to keep these giveaways going. To find Proof of these giveaways check out my YouTube channel founded at the bottom of the homepage.

If i win a giveaway do i receive anything additional to my winnings?

When we do our giveaways we will have 5 winners per giveaway. #1 will receive 100 "bargain points" addition to there winning and the next 4 winners will win 50 "bargain points" addition to the their winning. (make sure to make an account & subscribe to emails to use our bargain points rewards program) IF WE FORGET PLEASE "CONTACT" US TO GIVE YOU YOUR ADDITIONAL REWARDS!

Are the giveaways free or paid?

All of our giveaways are always Free and always will be free to enter but some big giveaways (10k plat) Will be still free to enter but wont start until we reached the target amount of money raised but will be free for everyone to enter!

(Starting 7/1/24 everyone will have to enter themselves into the giveaways, i will no longer enter anyone into giveaways except our monthly giveaways Due to our increase in customers. Thank you for understanding!)