Contestants (Spots/Names)

Fashion Frame Contestants (1-12)
Fashion Frame Contestants (1-12)
- BigSpicyBoii (Ember)
- Hollow Cephalon (inaros)
- Wolly (Yareli)
- YuriVIbez (Nidus)
- Juiceeee416 (Harrow)
- SNiPE_Return
- CplWalker
- Orokin_Archivist (Oberon)
- BigKitty (Rhino)
- Arkai-El (Dagath)
- Flamin_Duck (revenant)
- CephalonAlcatraz (Harrow)
Info & Voting Link (Get 15p to vote)
Info & Voting Link (Get 15p to vote)
Vote (Here) & Get (15p) - Takes about 3 minutes.
Updated Announcements!-
- Time to vote has been extended until Nov.12/2024
- Get 5p extra when a friend finishes the survey as well (Must Have Their Own Separate WarFrame IGN)
Fashion Frame Contestants (13-24) Only 17
Fashion Frame Contestants (13-24) Only 17
- Hiyeah (Nidus)
- Eriyusu (Mesa)
- Joooel1337 (Garuda)
- KingNateTheFirst (Nidus)