Welcome Clan Members!

Thankyou for being apart of our clans (QuickBuyBargainsXClan, The Last Prosecutors, TheRebirthTenno, GamingLobbyOffical) We are glad you made it!

To start kicking off a good start of being with us we like to offer you this amazing & clan access only webpage only for our amazing and loyal clan members! here is what you can enjoy on this webpage!-

  • Custom Clan Events (Page #1)
  • Online/In-Game Trading (Plat only, page #2)
  • Online Community to text chat with other clan members & alliance members (Page #2)
  • Clan Ranks & information (Page #3)
  • Page #1 (Custom Clan Events)
  • Page #1 (Custom Clan Events)
  • Page #1 (Custom Clan Events)
  • Page #1 (Custom Clan Events)

Clan Events & Games!

❗Rules & Information❗

(Please read before participating)

Here are some rules that i ask everyone who participates in our clan Events & Games to follow & be aware of being joining!

  • When joining any clan event please make sure you have made an account with us to participate (Make an account)

(Clan Event) Scavenger Hunt


(Clan Event)-Player Vs Player dojo battles


(Clan Game)-Guess the number

(Clan Game)-Guess the number

  • Guess a number to 1-1000
  • (Message me)- to lock in you answer
  • (I spin a wheel with numbers going form 1-1000)
  • whatever it lands on whoever gets the number correct or the closest will win (5) BP's (100p)
  • (If more than 1 person wins the plat will be divided by the number of people who won)
  • (This event will happen once a month on the 1st day of every month)
  • A YouTube video will be uploaded at the end of the month for proof of winning number!
  • Page #2 (Online/In-game Trading Market)
  • Page #2 (Online/In-game Trading Market)
  • Page #2 (Online/In-game Trading Market)
  • Page #2 (Online/In-game Trading Market)

Online (WarFrame) Trading Market

(Plat Only Please)- Need to make some quick plat? or do you got some plat you trying to spend? looking for something specific that you having a hard time finding on WarFrame trade chat? check out the listed blogs below to Buy/Sell items, Mods, Sculptures & whatever else you can WF related down below.

  • Page #3 (Clan Ranks & Information)
  • Page #3 (Clan Ranks & Information)
  • Page #3 (Clan Ranks & Information)
  • Page #3 (Clan Ranks & Information)

Clan Ranks & Information 👍

🎮 Clan Information & Ranks are very important to know & be aware of so you know what to expect & what you can be part of when joining 1 of our 4 clans! 🎮

Clan Information

Clan Rules & Ranks (Important) ✔

Clan Ranks & Rules-

  • Rank 1-1 week inactive kick (Free) (no plat)
  • Rank 2-1 Month inactive kick (Free) (Make an account with us for free & get 100p)
  • Rank 3-2 Months inactive kick ($10)(300p with purchase)
  • Rank 4-3 Months inactive kick ($15)(400p with purchase)
  • Rank 5-4 Months inactive kick ($20)(500p with purchase)
  • Rank 6-5 Months inactice kick ($25)(600p with purchase)
  • Rank 7/Champion rank-1 year inactive kick ($50)(1000p with purchase)
  • *(1 week extra=$1 per, MUST BE RANK 7 TO PURCHASE)*
  • ($5 extra=Keep your rank forever even if your kicked & rejoin)
  • (Email me when you make a purchase to receive a rank) thankyou!

(Each rank will give you Bargain Points, Extra plat & Inactive kick time)

Rules with Ranks-

  1. (No refund/returns on buying ranks, Meaning if you return an item to receive a rank you will LOSE you rank Unless item is broken and you request a switch out for a new product)
  2. (If you kick from the clan because of inactive kick time & join back your rank resets back to Rank 1 or Rank 2)
  3. (You can only buy more inactive kick time after you reach rank 8)
  4. (Purchase a items (Here) or "Donate" (Here) to purchase a rank)
  5. (You may purchase ranks for other clan members/Alliance members, its up to you if you get the extra plat or you can give it to them)
  6. (Ranks themselves are not sold and can only be purchase through #4 ways)
  7. (You are allowed to switch between clans/Alliance & keep your rank)
  8. (More information coming later)

Clan/Alliance information

Here @Quickbuybargains.com we strive to connect & communicate to people anyone anywhere at anytime to bring the world together closer than we are. we here has spoken & chat with people from so many different countries (USA ,Vietnam ,China ,Russia ,Germany & many more).

We got 4 different clans in WarFrame all owned & made by same person (QuickbuybargainsXClan , TheRebirthTenno , GamingLobbyOffical , The Last Prosecutors) our goal is to reach max spots in all of clans & having as much active people communicating with each other about anything. we also like for as many people to participate in our clan games & events that take place whenever we schedule them.

All the clans either do or will have max research at some points in time so please check out our labs and see if there is anything you need from them.

All the clans have many different rooms/Open spaces decorated and designed by the same person (Clan leaders) to appeal to our amazing clan members/Alliance members and everyone else who visits them.

(Quick review) Clan Games & Events

Clan Games & Events (Quick review)

  • Clan Events (Bigger usually more plat involved to participate in)
  • Clan Games (A smaller version of "Clan Events" usually less plat involved when participating but still very fun to be apart of)
  • Clan Games & Events will reward anything from Bargain points , plat , mod & sets & much much more and encourage anyone interested to participate in and have some fun
  • More info coming soon

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