Shout Outs!-Here to support the people that need support!
List of all the people & there socials & links needed to support them.
Rules & Regulations (Please Read)
Rules & Regulations to know and follow-
Rule #1- "What you pay is what you get"-Meaning if you pay for 1 week you will get 7 days of seeing your socials on our website.
Rule #2- "Non-Refundable" When you purchase a shout out you CANNOT put a claim in for a refund.
Rule #3- "Any social link must be safe & legit"-Meaning if you buy a shout out for a website or social that is inappropriate or Unsafe you will be denied your request & if already paid & Declined a shout out will have a choice to choose a new social link of legitimacy.
(PAY FOR A SHOUT OUT & SHOUT OUT ANY CHANNEL OR SOCIAL LINK OR BUSINESS YOU HAVE IN MIND) (Pay Here) ($10 a week or $30 a month) (7 or 30 days)
(PERM) Matthew Blum-( Owner) -Social Links: (Youtube) (Instagram) (Twitch) (Donations link)
(PERM) Amelia Arya-(freelance digital artist )- Social Links: (X/Twitter) (Discord: ameliaryaaa)
(1 week) New Person-
(1 month) New Person-
(1 month) New Person-